I love this picture that a friend posted on Facebook. It's just two middle-aged blokes looking bored having a coffee in a greasy spoon. It isn't their iconic status makes you look twice, it's the contrast in their 'looks'. Weller, for example, is affecting a fancy pocket square to go to a poxy café and- even if his tan and haircut are ridiculous these days- he still really looks the part and clearly he still tries. Noel has paired a chambray shirt (I still don't own one!) with some indigo jeans and a pair of Tokios and it works. I'd try too hard to wear that outfit, I still find it easier to dress smartly than casually. I'm much more Weller than Noel but oft times I wish it was otherwise.
Also, I think I'm going to grow my hair out into a Noel haircut. I think it's time.