And here is my team- Style Over Content FC (
It is now just a matter of hours before the season starts and I have sacked Duff from the team above in favour of Bolton's Martin Petrov.
Since originally posting this I have been persuaded to join two enter teams in two similar competitions. Here is my team to challenge my former team-mates, work colleagues and drinking companions, it is called I AM FUCKING SEXY (
And this is my team for the Baggies forum I post upon as Viva Fisher!, this team are called Fisher Apathetic (
I'm going to update these teams progress below and add any notes (eg- substitutions etc) with the picures above.
Style Over Content - Week * Week Score * Running Score * Position *
I AM FUCKING SEXY - Week * Week Score * Running Score * Position *
Fisher Apathetic - Week * Week Score * Running Score * Position *