Thursday, 14 January 2010

RIP Miep Gies

I've only just became aware of this sad loss. In these times of heightened racial and religious tensions, it is important to remain aware of the potential catastrophe that awaits if we allow bigotry and intolerance a free voice. Mies Giep, the woman who saved Anne Frank's diary and who helped protect the Frank family for so long, was a reminder of the perils of such folly.

People may think that, for example, the Daily Mail's persecution of minority groups is simply the exercise of the right to free speech and I would agree with that. But the manner in which they choose to do so can only cause further discord. The Mail exploits and stretches the right to free speech with half-truths, distortions, innuendo and falsifications (Jane Moir on the death of Stephen Gateley or the article about 'gypsies'- their term- being allowed to jump NHS queues are great examples). They seem to be actively pursuing an agenda of disharmony and disintegration. The constant stream of anti-Islamic hyperbolic bollocks that the paper prints acts to fuel the sense of alienation, isolation and resentment which allows British subjects to be hoodwinked into atrocities such as the 7/7 tube and bus bombings.

Just as importantly a light should be shone upon the Holocaust denial of Nick Griffin and his ilk. I would be delighted if his views were challenged in the mainstream media, not with a repeat of the Question Time pantomime where even the host was keen to be seen as 'the one to get him' but in serious debate. Put the question "why did you refer to the Holocaust as the 'Holo-hoax'?" and press him
until he provides an answer. Make him expose his darker beliefs which he is currently able to keep well hidden. I've quoted this before but this is Nick Griffin in 'The Patriot' (a BNP pamphlet dated Spring 1999):

“Of course we must teach the truth to the hardcore…. when it comes to influencing the public, forget about racial differences, genetics, Zionism, historical revisionism and so on…. we must at all times present them with an image of moderate reasonableness.”

The man wants to lie. He wants to keep his true beliefs hidden. Why do we play into his hands like this? If the man denies that the Holocaust happens, let him tell the world that. I've never got holocaust denial at all. I've been in a couple of arguments about it and people will say things like "it's only books and film footage, that could all have been faked" which I suppose is true, though it would have been far bigger a task than could imaginably have been achieved and no real contradictory evidence exists at all.

Then I'll tell them that my Great Uncle told me all about it because he was one of the first soldiers to enter Belsen when we liberated it. There's no real comeback to that.

All of which brings me back to the dangers of extremism, to the need to stand strong in the face of it at any cost and to the heroism of people like Miep Gies. She should never be forgotten.