Sunday, 10 January 2010

Iris Robinson

I'm enjoying seeing the pious homophobe Iris Robinson shown up for the hypocritical vile, corrupt, base, shameless, amoral cow she really is. On the night after an horrific homophobic beating in Northern Ireland she popped up on a BBC radio phone-in show to recommend that homosexuals have therapy to "cure" themelves before she described homosexuality as an abomination on a par with paedophilia that made her nauseous. She cited bible passages from the book of Leviticus to support her stance.

Fast-forward eighteen months or so and we see Iris Robinson's political career in tatters. She has confessed to having had an extra-marital affair with a 19-year-old man Kirk McCambley (she was 59 at the time) despite the bible's position on adultery which she should be very familiar with as it is stated in the book of Leviticus.

So far so good, but this isn't all. It appears that she went further than merely sleeping with the boy behind her husband's back. Mrs Robinson (oh the irony) then solicited £50,000 in unsecured loans for her lover to start his own business, a café. £50,000 for a nineteen year old with no commercial experience or capital of his own? Makes you think doesn't it. The money came in the form of two £25,000 from property developers and at the same time Mrs Robinson was lobbying in favour of a development being planned by one of the men. But what was in it for her (aside from fumbling teenage humping and the illicit thrill of breaking her beloved bible's sacred covenants obviously)? Well, just ten per cent of the loan which she kept to pay off debts of her own.

Of course with a commercial venture like that, there's all kinds of red tape involved. It isn't as simple as just buying up an empty café and opening for business. Especially not when there are more people trying to buy the property and start the same business on the site. Young Kirk didn't need to worry though, when the bids for the lease of the café was discussed by the local council Mrs Robinson was on the committee. Imagine that, what a stroke of good fortune! And not only that but luckily for Mr McCambley the committee found her lover's bid to be the only appropriate one and so he got the café. Mrs Robinson, by the way, didn't officially reveal her conflict of interests in seeing his bid succeed although this was a legal requirement. I'm not sure where Leviticus stands on this but that's okay because pretty soon it became clear that the bible stands wherever Mrs Robinson chooses; as she told her aide after ending the extra-marital affair "God's word was very clear on it. He was reasonably OK on it. I am not". Barmy.

Ooh, you know what? I haven't mentioned the best bit yet. Yes, even better than the bible-bashing homophobe cheating on her husband and abusing her position to solicit dodgy loans for her lover and taking a slice of the pie for herself. Her husband, Peter Robinson, is the First Minister of the country. The head honcho, the top man, the numero uno. And when he found out about all of this, do you know what he did? He covered it up in return for her returning the money. And so we have the unseemly saga of the top man in Government covering for his wife's crooked financial and personal dealings in return for her bullying Mr McCambley's family for the return of the dodgy loan she secured for him. Shameful, isn't it?

You think that's shameful, though, it has nothing to do with his response to his wife's suicide attempt after he found out. He went to work as normal that morning after she told him she was going to do it and, when she was found and rushed to hospital, he stayed there. That's right, as his wife was on her way to hospital to save her life after an overdose Mr Robinson- having just been told about it- can be seen on television footage laughing and joking with Parliamentary colleagues. Of course when the truth came out last week he was overcome with emotions and choking back the tears as he was interviewed about the whole thing. Some people might think those were crocodile tears, but maybe it was just delayed shock. Delayed by ten months until the cameras were rolling, that is.

She deserves a cunt of a husband attempting to gain political advantage from her depression and attempted suicide like that. And he deserves to be cuckolded for a spotty boy with an eye on an easy few quid.

And obviously they both deserve the sack because the country deserves neither of them.