Monday, 26 July 2010

The Fifth Doctor

I'm working nights at the moment and the consequent catastrophic effect upon my barely adequate grasp on reality is such that I've been thinking all the time about Peter Davison's great Doctor Who costume. I'm not a fan of the series by any means- I haven't seen an episode since the 80s- but I remember being struck during my childhood by how dashing the whole thing looks. It's really stuck with me too.

Taking this as a template and personalising the look is something I could really have fun with. According to Wikipedia (and who am I to dispute it?) "The Fifth Doctor's chosen mode of dress was a variation of an Edwardian cricketer's uniform, and he was even seen to carry a cricket ball in one of his pockets (which saved his life in one adventure). He wore a cream-coloured frock coat, striped trousers, plimsoll shoes, and occasionally a pair of spectacles.". Improving on the trousers and plimsolls would be a necessity, but I think there's plenty there to go on. Now where can I get a cricket ball?