This is the third On The Buses film, I got a bit confused after watching the first one (notes here) and should have been watching Mutiny On The Buses. D'oh! And of course you know what you're getting when you put one of these movies on- bawdy humour, outrageous set-pieces and very dated attitudes. It's just disposable daftness, no reason to get excited. In this film Blakey, Stan and Jack have all been sacked from the bus depot (by Grange Hill bastard/big-screen Hitler Mr Bronson no less!) and find employment on a holiday camp. As soon as Stan's family arrive to stay for a holiday the film continues in the usual vein, only in summer sunshine- that must be CGI surely!
The usual characters are augmented by a few seventies TV comedy stars (Wilfrid Bramble, Henry McGee, Arthur Mullard) and the change of scenery and fresh faces reinvigorate the format and make the film work pretty well for a while. It's unsustainable sadly, despite the film being less than an hour and a half long, and the film grows tired with the same jokes repeated as it limps towards the titles.
So, I enjoyed it- but I wouldn't want anyone to know that this is my kind of film. Especially as it features a shot of Olive's bare arse! 4/10