The source material has enough to sustain two films but even so, this struggled to hold my attention. I'm not saying that nothing happened, plenty happens. Just not very well. It all seems so contrived. This is like compilation of outtakes from 'From Dusk Till Dawn' with music by a Bernard Herrmann impersonator. The film is stuffed with support actors grasping their moment in the sun overplaying a series of wacky characters. The small fortunes spent on a series of four-second flashback scenes would've been better employed replacing Álex de la Iglesia. He was simply overambitious with this film and tried to do too much. Too many quirky little incidents, too many humorous shots, too many amusing storyline cul-de-sacs and not enough control of the narrative of the film. I think that he definitely has a great film in him, but this isn't it. Not by a long way.
One thing I want to note down before I forget is the overwhelming impression I had that I was watching Bernard Bresslaw in a Mötley Crüe wig. Anton Chigurh's hair was salon-fresh compared to this horror show:
Anyway, I've been kind to Perdita Durango and not mentioned David Lynch, Isabella Rosselini or Wild At Heart and it still only gets 3/10. An overpriced B-movie, a Tarantino rip-off, a mess.